Recently a heated debate raged over a Telugu piece on Sitadevi. The person who wrote that is a Xtian missionary & a known Hindu hater. I didn’t read that piece but read the snippets posted on the Facebook updates by a few friends. Such attempts are not new to Hindus. Hinduphobia has long been mainstreamed and is being funded extensively – all in the garb of “Being Progressive” or “Being Humane.” But in such madness, many useful and crucial aspects are being destroyed for no reason. This article is NOT about that bigoted article or its author but is a humble attempt to present an ancient but proven methodology that teaches some important basics of “How to read or understand Purana and Itihasa?”
- prasanga [context]
- prasakti [connection/relation]
- Curse given by Shravana’s parents to Dasharatha.
- Dasharatha’s 3 boons to Kaikeyi.
- Manthara’s brainwash of Kaika.
- Kaika’s untimely demand of fulfilling her boons.